“Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.”

Haruki Murakami

Nearly 150,000 people die every single day. Some are unexpected, most are not. The Thanatos Project was built to help people navigate unfamiliar spaces and rise to the unique challenges death presents. We provide customized, well-informed, whole-system guidance. Whether you or a loved one is experiencing a life-limiting illness, or you simply want to be prepared whenever the time may come, TTP offers companionship and practical assistance.

Ways We Help



Never more intensely than when confronted with death do we seek harmony and meaning from relationships with ourselves, loved ones, and our spiritual beliefs. This is intense and often painful work, but it also comes with opportunities for comfort and contentment. The Thanatos Project can walk alongside you during these journeys.



When they say “get your affairs in order” they aren’t talking about mistresses. Whether you’ve got $5 or 5 million to your name, it’s empowering to decide where you want to leave what you leave behind.



Better living and better dying, through science and wisdom. Learn how to work with symptoms like pain, fatigue, nausea, and shortness of breath using medications and meditations. We’re here to help you navigate the healthcare system and ensure you have all the documents, medicines, supplies, technology, and expertise you need.